Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Wheat Free Take Along Lunch Idea #2!


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1 cucumber, sliced
1 large slice - spiral sliced ham (NOT the glazed kind, it's full of sugar - or buy the glazed kind with the glaze in a separate packet and throw away the packet)
10 small cheddar cheese slices - I buy the white (un-dyed), extra sharp kind and use a cheese slicer - with mixed results, you can see above it doesn't always like to be sliced.
10 pepperoni slices
onion slices
1 dill pickle

Stack sliced cucumber with meat and cheese slices, top with large slice of dill pickle, attaching with a toothpick.  Wrap in plastic wrap or place in air tight square food container or lunch box.

Other ideas:  Turkey and Swiss cheese, roast beef and pepper jack, sprouts and cream cheese, top with stuffed green olives instead of dill pickle.

Options:  pair with slices of apple and peanut butter - spread peanut butter on apple slices and put the apple back together, wrap in plastic wrap.  Watch for sugar content in your peanut butter.  I buy the kind with just peanuts and salt.

Or pair with carrot and celery sticks with Ranch dip (watch the label on the ranch dressing, some have added sugar).

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